~/Simon's Blog ❯

Furries are Awesome.

Yeap, you've read that right.

I'm sick and tired of all the negativity there is around this community of genuinely loving people. Before you say anything: Yes, there's always "the bad side", however that is nothing that other communities don't have.

I often see people mistaking being a furry, or liking the art, or anything of that nature with zoophilia, which is an entirely different topic and is quite franky disgusting. However, some people just do not want to accept that. Infact, a lot of them cannot even describe just what a furry is, and then somewhat jokingly send me the very same Wikipedia page that I linked two sentences ago.

For some people, having something to constantly hate on is part of their identity. They seem to be unable to exist without hating on something that others enjoy, or without over-exaggerating it's flaws. From that comes glorious posts like this one, where someone is surprised that they find furry porn after looking it up. Seeing people be this delusional and not reflecting on themselves at all is honestly laughable, and I don't know how so many people fall for it so often.

So now, as the angry reader you might be thinking "but what good have they done anyways???", and the answer to that I can present in a small bulleted list:

I could go on and search for more, and trust me THERE IS MORE, but I don't think I have the need to have 30+ points in a single list. This gets my point across.

Furries aren't the evil, disgusting, bad humans that you make them out to be.
You are.
So next time you're about to flame someone for liking something, take a step back and reflect on yourself.


#charity #furry #harassment