~/Simon's Blog ❯

Interpreting other's faults like Programs

If you've ever been screamed at for doing something wrong, then you know the horrible feeling it creates when someone simply ignores the effort you put into something, and rather focusses on the faults of your work. It can be quite hard to argue against this too, as the person ignoring your efforts often also ignores any attempts at explaining your work.

I bring this up as it's something that often happens to me. People interpret the world with their own experiences and their own mindset, and nobody can truly grasp how somebody else's experiences can affect them. Thus, something that commonly happens is one person expecting another person to do something in a specific way because they've learned it that way from their own expriences. This is completely ignoring the experiences of the other person, and almost demanding that your own experiences be the only correct ones. This gets worse when people are suffering from a mental condition, where the disconnect between 2 individuals's experiences begins to grow even further.

And what is the result? Anger. The result is anger.

Now you might be thinking, "what do you do against this?", and honestly, it's quite simple. I treat the things one person can do similar to a program on my computer. I wouldn't expect git to automatically create me a pasta recipe, so I won't expect someone with no knowledge of cooking to be Gordon Ramsay and vice versa.

With that out of the way, I encourage every single one of you to think about this as well. Stop interpeting your own experiences into others.

Thanks for reading! I wish you a good rest of the day, evening, night, or whatever other time you're reading this!

This blogpost was a bit of a quicker one, which I didn't quite know how to put into words, so I hope everyone understood what I meant :)
