~/Simon's Blog ❯

Please stop using Twitter.

Some time ago, Elon Musk bought up Twitter and has done lots of changes to the company as shown on Twitter Is Going Great!. Most if not all of these changes have been controversial; They've made similar platforms blow up in user count, have caused many people to leave the platform, and some are even happy they got banned.

The more I see going on at Twitter as a company, but also on Twitter as platform as an outsider, the more I want to encourage everyone to just leave the platform to rot. Elon has shown often enough by now that he's quite petty when it comes to keeping his promises. Specifically on Free Speech, which has been broken multiple times now, and caused some users — even journalists — to be banned as a result. Not to mention the many, MANY times the Twitter website broke by now because Elon said to shut down certain microservices as well as other half thought through decisions.

So of course, it's not surprising that people are flocking to platforms like Mastodon or Tumblr, trying to find a Microblogging platform which is just better. Now, this is something I cannot recommend you enough. As someone which has always been viewing Twitter from an outside perspective, I can safely say that other platforms that I've seen (and tried!) are MUCH better in many different ways. Especially Mastodon has become a platform that I really enjoy due to it's filtering capabilities, lack of an algorithm, and (from what I've seen) a SUPER nice community which welcomes new users on the regular.

We don't know what Elon will do to Twitter next, but whatever it is, he probably won't keep his promises, and will probably make the platform worse overall.

Thanks for reading! This one was a very quick one I whipped up, but I hope it still provides some value to y'all!

#elon musk #free speech #twitter