~/Simon's Blog ❯

Simple Mobile Tools falls victim to ZipoApps

The news is spreading like wildfire in the Android Community: Simple Mobile Tools - a suite of applications initially designed because the developers hated how default apps on various devices were privacy-invasive, needed unnecessary permissions and more - is in the process of being bought by ZipoApps.

ZipoApps is a company which makes no original products. They have bought up various apps - including one which's previous developer I quite respected, Powershade - and started bloating them with advertisements and turning them into freemium-apps with subscription models. Even when the app previously had a pay-once for lifetime model.

This is alarming when looking at Simple Mobile Tools, which was previously known for being very privacy-friendly and without any bullshit, for lack of better words.

The future of the apps stays uncertain, but there is a thread on GitHub with discussions regarding this change. I will try to monitor this and add any relevant details on how the apps will be moving forward.

What ZipoApps cannot do:


(everything is Berlin Time/ GMT+1/2, 24-Hour format)

2nd of December at ~17:00

The apps may be forked and maintained by naveensingh if he gets a greenlight from tibbi to do so.


3rd of December at ~6:00

A user spotted and another explained ZipoApps' move process https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/General-Discussion/issues/241#issuecomment-1837379363

3rd of December at ~11:00

Discussion directly with Tibbi

3rd of December at ~13:00

Naveensingh moves forks of the applications over to a new GitHub Organization https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/General-Discussion/issues/241#issuecomment-1837464578

3rd of December at ~14:00

LambdAurora analyzes the licensing and (a lack of) the CLA agreement https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/General-Discussion/issues/241#issuecomment-1837471132

General Update

The organization has been moved to https://github.com/FossifyOrg

#FossifyX #SimpleMobileTools #android #privacy #zipoapps